Monday, April 18, 2016

Zombie Movie Turned Wrong

Before going into the main topic of this blogpost, I just wanted to state that I'm not a very big fan of pinoy movies, to be honest. I'd rather watch anything but filipino movies at that point... "Why? As a Filipino yourself, Shouldn't you be proud of what your country produces?" Well, not really.

To be fair in judgement, the Philippines isn't as "progressive" in terms of being in the film industry. In fact, there are a lot more Filipino Indie movies worth watching than the ones produced my entertainment companies. To say, the Filipino film industry lacks in creativity, seriousness, equipment, and especially the money to be able to produce a movie that can go on par with an American or Hollywood made movie. So , whenever I watch a Pinoy made movie... I just feel off or feel like it's going to be a waste of money (lol)

So, we go to the main topic at hand, I will give my opinion to the Filipino I just watched recently, "Zombadings".... All I could say by the end and during the movie was.... No. I wasn't very pleased with the plot, cinematography, and content of the story... But I have to give credit on the so-called "creativity" of  the movie... I mean, combining a bunch of frivolous men, witches, and zombies in one movie is just absurd. So if I was a professional critique on movies... I wouldn't expect a high score to be the outcome. Of course, this is my opinion.

Via IMDB, the summary of the movie follows:
Remington is in love with Hannah but she finds him lazy and uncouth. Then he starts to change. Suddenly he is becoming neater, nicer, more sensitive. Is he doing it for her? Or is something beyond his control changing him into someone he is not? He discovers that his gradual transformation is tied to something he did long ago, to childhood transgressions and curses uttered in graveyards. Hannah falls for the new and improved Remington, but he starts falling for someone else. As the ghosts of Remington's past come to haunt him, so do the the Zombadings. Undead, fabulous, they threaten to rock this sleepy town to death.

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