Thursday, April 21, 2016

"We Are All Birds For Today"

All I can say is.... "THE FREE BIRD LEAPS ON THE BACK OF THE WIND!!" joke. Ah yes, The speech choir competition! A day where all the ABMA and SOE students come together and shout with emotion! It was truly a day of excitement.

Honestly, we only had little practice done for our speech choir, so of course, the end-result wasn't really satisfying. It was tiresome, stressful and filled with pressure; but nonetheless, I had the time of my life since I was doing it with my ever so lovely block!! This isn’t sarcastic, I swear. Love you guys!

Our performance started great and spine-chilling with us singing “Hanging Tree” followed by the speech itself. We were very powerful at the start, but towards the end, we all sort of died down. Plus, the fact that we had no AVP… was kind of embarrassing… We actually didn’t know we were supposed to have an AVP… but theres nothing we can do about it anymore, so we all decided to learn from this mistake and move on.

Even though our performance was a little let down, I still had my own favorite part, that was the part where we shouted “FREEDOM!!” I felt the adrenaline rush through my veins! It was really good to shout that time since we were all nervous. I hoped our end was going to be my favorite but alas, it did not end so well hahaha…

As for the other block…. They all killed it. I loved every performance shown by the other blocks. You could truly feel the emotions that came with it. My favorite performance was by ABMA152 and ABMA155, no bias but they gave the best performance for me.

Even though we didn’t win and had huge mistakes, I know we tried our best and that we learned from this event. Congrats to all those who won and participated!

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