Monday, April 18, 2016

A Romantic Movie Actually Worth Seeing

Despite my distaste for romantic movies, there are a few movies that make my list of "Romantic Movies Worth Watching" and Overboard makes the cut for my list. The movie itself is old since it was madde in 1987(and way before I was born), but nonetheless, I take joy in watching this movie.

You can actually give this movie the "Old but Gold" award. I mean, I was only six years old when I first watched this movie with my mom.and of course, I couldn't understand anything from the movie since I was an ignorant child back then. I got to watch it again when I was 14 and by that time, I was a little mature, but still... some of the romantic and cheesy scenes made me cringe. The last time I watched this movie was during this year; It was Christmas break and me and my mom just wanted to spend the day together and chill in the house, so we scanned through our DVD collection and surprisingly, the DVD of the movie came up. We were enthralled when we both saw it, so we decided to watch it.

The film was a clever comedy - with the star chemistry working very nicely between the leads (one wishes they would try another comedy again soon). The slow discovery by Goldie/Joanna of her real being and natural decency is a pleasure to watch. Russell is fine realizing that he is in love with his creation, and desperately scared of her recovering her actual past. MacDowell does well in his bits (especially his last shot), but he's missing from most of the film because he is not in proximity of the main action on land. But Herrmann's revelations of super-ego is fun, as is the conclusion of his attempted seizure of power.

Via, IMDB, The summary of  Overboard is basically a cruel but beautiful heiress screws over a hired carpenter, who later is the first one to find her when she gets amnesia. Looking for a little revenge he convinces her that she's his wife. (I don't want to spoil everything for those who haven't eatched it yet!)

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