Friday, April 15, 2016

"Runway Kings and Queens"

I'm that person who would always be in the prod or be backstage when it comes to event so I would have never thought I would be a part of a pageant, or even have the thought in participating in one, but my thoughts failed me when I was asked to join the SOMA Pageant 2016.

In the past, I hated the concept of pageants and how frivolous it was when they did the QnA portions. In all honesty, pageants used to be idiotic in my view like; what benefitss does it have to society? "Does the winner really gain an important title just because she's pretty with a rockin' bod?" I asked these questions over and over in my mind whenever I see someone watching BB. Pilipinas or Ms. Universe. When I heard that APC has a pageant for EVERY course, inlcuding a mixed one for all the courses, I immediately rolled my eyes.

So here comes third term, everyone was excited for SOMA week and I was too. Me and my block were ready for APPROJ and we were filled with excitement. It was just a normal day when an acquaintance of mine walked up to us and said "Hey guys!! Are any of you interested to join this coming SOMA Pageant?" and we all exchanged looks for a moment and most of us laughed and declined. Our block nominated Josh, Alex, Rachel, and Nikki to join the Pageant but they declined as well.

A month into the 3rd term, the screening for candidates opened, and we forced Rachel to join (Insert evil laugh here), and I told her I would do her make-up. Nikki and Alex followed suit when another friend of ours asked them to join, so they did. During the time Nikki was asked to join, the recruiter asked me to join as well, but I declined right away. A day after, he went up to me again, and asked me again. So something came up in my mind "What if I joined?", I laughed at myself when I though about it actually.

But weeks after weeks, I kept thinking about it. I realized I spent too much in the shadows and backstage... I was curious to what standing on stage really felt like... So I had this urge to join... and so I did. I joined the pageant, but with a heavy heart. It felt like among the people who joined, I had the least drive to win or to cooperate. When  I saw my co-candidates pactice with so much passion, I told myself to straighten up as well. I learned a lot from them and our coordinators; from the proper posture from answering the QnA's correctly. Sooner or later, the rehearsals we had daily became something to look forward to in my everyday life.

After weeks of practicing and hard work, it was a day before SOMA week, and all of us were nervous to walk on the stage with so many people. It was March 29, the Pre-Pageant. We started of with the intro were we introduce ourselves by partners, then next was the ramps. First ramp was the business attire and then on to the sports attire, then the last bit was the QnA part. To say, every candidate di their best.

2nd day of our ramp was officially the start of SOMA week, our theme wear. From colorful birds down to a fierce and elegant snake, we were all dressed amazingly thanks to our designers.

Finally the coronation night, the night all of us have been waiting for. Our intro was a dance and we were all shy to do the moves, but we gladly did it in the end. From there, we had to change into our sports wear, then to the formal wear. They announced the Top 5 and I was gladly in it along with two of my other blockmates!

In the end, we have our 2nd runner-up's - Princess Joy Labad & Muigs Macavinta, 1st runner-up's - Me & Alex Oliveros (My blockmate), and our Mr. and Ms. SOMA 2016 - Megan Olpindo & Leo Guinid!! 

We all had our share of victory, and I'm so glad I got to join and meet these hardworking people. A memory I will never truly forget!

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