Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Jon Santos

I have to be honest, I was really feeling lazy and I didn’t want to attend because of it, but it’s a good thing I did. I was expecting it to be boring and I was expecting to fall asleep, but Jon Santos kept me awake and lively the whole time.

I got to find out who this “Jon Santos” person is and to say, I was actually thrilled in listening to his story.  An actor, comedian, host, ‘legal’ impersonator and entertainer; Jon Santos has talents that a million would dare kill for. Besides his humorous personality on stage, he told us that he wasn’t actually funny when he’s off stage. That fact surprised me since most comedians have quite the hilarious personality off-stage. Jon is also a writer and has been writing since his college days in UP Diliman and is not writing his own shows. It was even said by the people “In the Philippine scene, nobody is anybody until he or she is done by Jon Santos”.

It was a hard journey for Jon Santos; He started off as an Econ student, but never found satisfaction with being just that. While he was still a student, he started doing shows with Willie Nepomuceno and Tessie Tomas as a supporting role. Both impersonators gradually tell him to choose the path he wants, which was doing shows. And so, Jon Santos followed the path he thought he would never pursue. In a Philippine Entertainment Portal article, the article goes to say that “only a select few can be so hilarious that they’re famous for whom they’re not in real life. Performers like Willie Nepomuceno, Tessie Tomas, and Jon Santos have all been successful in this field. It’s a wonder that they can perfectly imitate not just one but various personalities in different fields” and he was listed as the top 3 in the industry, ranking below Willie Nepomuceno and Tessie Tomas, both of whom were Jon Santos’s mentors. The article further states that Jon is “one of the few actors who can impersonate a man or a woman with perfect ease and gusto”.

You can say Jon Santos has earned many fans during his talk and as well as the respect of many youth for standing up for his own passion and going against the flow of his life.

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