Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Cheers and Chants

I was pretty indifferent when Ms. Joyce told us we were going to have a cheer’s and chants competition, but since it was required, I didn’t really have any choice to back out whatsoever.
It was all really tiring to be honest. They merged my block with another one so we were this big group of ABMA students cheering and shouting all over the place. In the beginning of the semester, we had to choose two team leaders; Josh and Nina. They did a good job to actually bring the group together, they were open to others opinion and was able to make the members cooperate willingly.

Our practices were often held in the classroom, if not, then we would go to the auditorium or the activity room in the ground floor. When the day of the competition came, I wasn’t nervous until I was actually on stage. We we’re all in all black and we had an orange bandana on our right arm; we also had a military effect by adding black and orange paint on our faces. Heck, I was even late during the morning. In all honesty, I sucked during the performance and made a lot of mistakes. Despite it being tiring, our chants and cheers were really neat. We started off with our own version of “We will Rock You” by Queen, then a whole lot of others like peanut butter resees cup and other original chants. The last part , we had to spell out “Tigers” using tiger printed cardboards made by me and Rachel, but sadly, was a big failure when we performed it LOL. We didn’t win any place at the end but all of us gave it our all and that’s enough to for us to be satisfied.

I wouldn’t say this was one of the ‘most memorable’ event that I had during the third term, but it was fun to experience, especially because we had another block with us.

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